Co-creation is the heart of any gathering. All faeries are invited and encouraged to share their unique skills and perspectives through workshops and events, consider what you may be able to offer at this gathering.
Here are some of the things happening at this gathering:
Instead of morning circles, we will have quieter mornings, where we can all relax by the fire in the Blue Room, or participate of morning movements and meditation sessions.
At the beginning of the gathering we set up the Altar. This is a space where you can place a special item that has significance for you. Please bring something with you – a favourite picture, something from nature, a piece of writing, or anything that has personal attachment for you.
As with all faerie gatherings we will hold opening and closing rituals to open and close the energy of the gathering as well as the space. We will also have a celebration at the peak of the gathering, the spring equinox, this will be a focal point we raise our energies toward and then relax from through the arc of our collective journey.
If you would like to help us craft these magical focal points of our gathering, please let us know on the registration form or reach out through email here: [email protected]
At every gathering we hold a goods and services auction. Faerie gatherings are non-profit making and the money from the auction is used to support low-income Faeries through NOTAFLOF (No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds).
We invite you to bring things to sell at the auction. Ideas might be clothes, crafts, plants, or services like massage or tarot readings. If you donate items with cultural significance (such as a tribal mask) please make sure you can accurately describe the origins of the item.
To break even on this gathering we want to raise £XXX.XX from the Auction. That means suggested £XX per 100 IFMUs, but you are still welcome to pay less or more based on NOTAFLOF and ADAFAE.
<aside> 💡 Faerie Currency - IFMUs Auctions use our own Faerie currency called IFMUs (International Faerie Monetary Units). Faeries purchase 100 IFMUs before the auction using cash, Paypal or bank transfer. The real-world cost of these 100 IFMUs is whatever you can afford. It could be £10, it could be £100. This way all Fae get a fair and equal chance to take part and win items in the auction, no matter what their financial circumstances.
This a fun, non-competitive evening where anyone gets the chance to perform to their community. You need absolutely zero talent to be in the show - all contributions get a warm welcome! If you need music for your act, please bring it with you. If you need any support or equipment, please email the team [email protected]
These circles are the foundation of Faerie communication, connection and self-exploration. These are co-created, confidential spaces in which Faeries are able to speak ‘from the heart’ about whatever feelings are coming up for them. Other Faeries in the circle do not reply to the speaker, or engage them in conversation, but simply witness the beautiful authenticity of their sharing & self-discovery.
Joining a Heart Circle is optional, but they are great places to get a deeper understanding of what’s going on for other Faeries, or explore aspects of yourself.