🍑 Sex and Nudity at the Castle
The castle is a sex-positive, body-positive space. This means Faeries are welcome to be naked in the castle, and you may witness Faeries connecting with each other sexually at some point. You are invited to be mindful of the Faeries around you if you engage in sex or nudity at the castle - this might be by taking sexual connections to the Love Temple, for example, rather than shared bedrooms. Consent is a key aspect of the care we show for one another in Faerie space - always ensure you have consent before any physical touch, sexual or not.
❤️🔥 The Love Temple
The Love Temple is a space in the castle for intimate connections. It is a playspace that welcomes Faeries regardless of age, gender-identity, sexuality or anatomy. It is usually opened with a ceremony to raise sacred sexual energy, gently introduce the concept of boundaries & consent, and help break the ice if you’re feeling timid or nervous. The Love temple often hosts rituals and workshops throughout the week.
🚦What is Consent?
- Consent is an agreement to engage in physical or sexual touch between two or more Faeries.
- Consent is something that you give or get, before the touch happens.
- Examples of touch might be: a hug, stroking someone’s shoulder, a kiss or sex.
- Getting consent should be done in a way that the other Faerie doesn’t feel under pressure to say yes.
This might be by giving them physical space when asking, or allowing them time to think about their answer.
- Consent is something that is given enthusiastically and clearly.
If you received a ‘maybe’ from another Faerie, or you’re not sure about the answer, treat it as a ‘no’.
- Every Faerie has the right to say “no”, or to say “no, but would you like to do ______ instead?”
Feeling empowered to state your boundaries is encouraged in Faerie space!
- Be grateful in you receive a ‘no’. It is not a rejection, it is a gift. A Faerie has shared their boundaries with you. You now know how to act in a way that makes them feel happy and safe.
- Asking for consent does not have to be awkward - rather than saying “Can I have permission to give you a hug?” you could simply ask “Do you hug?”
- For Faeries you know well, you may not need to renew consent for non-sexual interactions you do together regularly, such as hugging.
- Remember that consent can change at any point! If in doubt ask, and always get consent for sexual interactions, no matter who they are with.
🟢 Consent in the Love Temple
In addition to the guidance above, here are some further tips for the Love Temple:
- Be mindful of the space you take up in the Temple and ensure that others have enough space to play around you.
- Do not join groups or couples unless you are clearly invited. Get consent from everyone in the group before joining in.
- Self-love and masturbation are welcome, but voyeurism (watching other people in the Love Temple) requires you to get their consent first.