🇵🇸 Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS)

We faerinisers want to honour the discussion had in last moots (faeriewide meeting) and recent gatherings about how our community can better follow the principles of the BDS movement, to avoid supporting companies associated with the ongoing genocide of Palestinians. To this end, we have decided not to use Google services to create our booking form this year, and will be taking a look at how we source our groceries for the gathering to make sure we aren’t supporting any companies on the BDS campaign’s list of targets. Find out more about BDS here, and get in touch with us faerinisers if you’ve got any questions or further ideas about how we can honour this intention.

💷 Payment

Please read the important information in this link: Ostara 2025 Money Stuff

The breakeven cost each is £37 per faerie per night - £29.50 for castle rent, which has increased on last year and is still considered a discount rate by the owners, plus £7.50 for food. Given recent Faerie Financial difficulties, we ask that everyone who can, should round it up to £40 (so £400 for 10 nights).

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No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds! A radical principle of the Faeries is that individual financial circumstances should not be a barrier to being part of the community. This means if you cannot afford to pay the recommended £40pn amount, we invite you to pay whatever amount you can.

If you are able to contribute more than the recommended amount, please do! The ‘Additional Donations And Finance Accepted Enthusiastically’ policy goes hand-in-hand with NOTAFLOF, and your beautiful generosity enables all of our community to come together at gatherings.

The Faerie finance initiatives are stunning examples of the care, generosity and compassion we show for each other in Faeriespace. Please feel called to treat them with the utmost respect and take a moment to think about what you can genuinely afford. Give As You're Able, But Always Give Something!


💫 Extra guidance

The following guidelines were developed for previous gatherings to provide clarity on how much to contribute. We’ve adopted them here as a suggested contribution per night. There’s no monitoring — just give what feels right for you.

| NOTAFLOF Contribution | £18.5 and below per night | + Are you unable to comfortably meet all your basic needs? + Do you struggle to find stable employment due to discrimination? + Are you an unpaid community organiser? | | --- | --- | --- | | Solidarity Contribution | £18.5 to £37 (breakeven) per night | + Are you able to comfortable meet your basic needs? + Can you afford public transport? + Are you able to buy some new items? | | Standard Contribution | £37 (breakeven) to £55.5 per night | + Do you have a safe and stable place to live, such as a rented flat or house? + Do you receive a total income above the minimum living wage or work part-time by choice? | | ADAFAE Contribution | £55.5 and above per night | + Do you own your home or rent a higher-end property? + Do you have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money? + Can you comfortably go on holiday? + Do you have access to family money and resources in times of need? |

📉 Faery Finances

Due to the current financial situation of the Albion Faeries, and as discussed in recent previous moots we want to try to find ways both to raise money and to make sure this gathering is at least break-even. The following points were in the outcome notes from a recent Moot of the Albion Faeries where we discussed the financial situation that we’re currently in, and some deep conversations about the principle of NOTAFLOF:

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No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds means that we always ensure that  people with severe issues around lack of adequate income/ benefits, asylum seekers, and other fae in unforeseen or longer term financial crisis will always be able to join gatherings. We aim to maintain this principle.

NOTAFLOF does not strictly apply to folk who actually do have funds but who may struggle to plan their finances or who may choose to spend their funds elsewhere. In these cases, we can offer those folk a savings plan or payment by instalments or suggest a reduction in payments, but not totally free places.

As a community, we ask each other for honesty and trust. We ask that this trust will not be abused by deceit or theft as these destroy our collective sense of community. A key community value of our trust is to respect each other's decisions and choices, and not to shame or disrespect others for those choices.  For instance, we will not pursue individual folk who do not follow up on their pledged payments for gatherings.


As part of our commitment to make this gathering break even, we will try to be totally transparent about the finances and after registration we will be sending an email with the amount of money pledged, and if necessary, ask people to contribute a bit more if they can so we can make this gathering break even. If possible we will ask people to contribute more to their pledge, or to contribute that money during the auction where we will all have a recommended amount per 100 IFMUs to make it break even (the principles of NOTAFLOF apply to the auction as well, of course).

💷 How to Pay

We ask that you make your contribution by bank transfer or Paypal ASAP now that your booking is confirmed.

Payment Reference

<aside> ❗ For all payments please use the reference OST25 [your Faerie/preferred name] e.g. OST25 Tinkerbell. We will see your banking name.

If you want to pay in instalments, add "1st", "2nd" etc, to your reference.


Bank Transfer

Bank: The Co-operative BankAccount name: Faerie UK Sort code: 089299 Account number: 65488214 IBAN: GB75 CPBK 08929965 4882 14 Bank Identification code: CPBK GB22