Featherstone Castle gatherings are very popular and places typically fill up within 2-3 days. Booking is first-come-first served and there will likely be a waitlist, so please email us as soon as possible if you have a space but cannot make it, so that another Faerie can take your place.
<aside> 💡 Diversity Over recent years, the Faeries have begun a radical journey from a primarily white, gay, male community, towards a community that is more inclusive of the diverse spectrum of ethnicity, gender and sexuality that makes up queerdom.
This is an ongoing evolution, and in order to ensure that gatherings offer sanctuary and belonging to those queer minorities most at risk of exclusion or harm, we continue the tradition of guaranteeing at least 25% of places to Fae who identify as being from a marginalised community within queer spaces.
It costs £35 per faerie, per night for us to stay at Featherstone Castle If you chose to stay the full 9 nights, the cost will be £315 We encourage you contribute at least these amounts if you are able to do so.
Payment is requested by bank transfer at the point your booking is confirmed. If you would prefer to pay at a later date, or you prefer to pay in cash at the gathering, please drop us an email when you get your booking confirmation, to let us know your preferred payment date.
We ask you to make your payment once your place has been confirmed. If you later discover you cannot make it, you will be issued a full refund.
No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds! A radical principle of the Faeries is that financial circumstances should not be a barrier to being part of the community. This means if you are unable to afford the cost of your stay, you are invited contribute as much as you can.
If you are able to contribute a little more than £35 per night, please do. The ‘Additional Donations And Finance Accepted Enthusiastically’ policy helps to support NOTAFLOF, and your beautiful generosity enables all of our community to come together at gatherings.
NOTAFLOF and ADAFAE are trust-based systems, and are stunning examples of the care, generosity and compassion we show for each other in Faerie space. In the spirit of transparency it is important to note that the Faerie funds are depleting at the moment as income from gatherings is not covering the cost of holding them. Please feel called to treat NOTAFLOF & ADAFAE with the utmost respect and take a moment to pause and think about what you can genuinely afford.
We ask that you make your contribution by bank transfer or Paypal ASAP now that your booking is confirmed. If you need to check what you pledged, you’ll find a copy of your booking form was emailed to you when you booked.
<aside> ❗ For all payments ****please use the reference OST24 Followed by your Faerie/preferred name.
For example: OST24 Tinkerbell.
If you want to pay in instalments, add "1st", "2nd" etc, to your reference.
For example: OST24 Tinkerbell 1st
Bank: The Co-operative BankAccount name: Faerie-UK Sort code: 08-92-99 Account number: 65488214 IBAN: GB75 CPBK 08929965 4882 14 Bank Identification code: CPBK GB22
Follow this link: www.paypal.me/albionfaeries
<aside> ❗ Please select "Paying Friends or Family" so that we don't get charged a fee.
If you would prefer to pay in cash at the gathering, please reply to this email to let us know.